Tuesday 14 February 2012

Five Minute Friday: Trust

Ok. I know it’s not Friday and I’m four days late (or 3 days early depending on your point of optimism), but I’ve been away. ........Today’s (last Friday’s) word of choice is being well tested in these parts lately......So here it is,
5 minutes of unedited writing on the word trust......

It’s a small word, but packed with power.  (Or lack of it, depending on how it’s used).
It’s not something I do very well.  (Even though it’s the bi-line of this blog).
I’ve trusted and been let down. Wounded.  So have you.  Family, friends, situations, expectations. 
As I travelled home yesterday from a weekend away, I had time to reflect.  You see I have this thing I hope for, long for. 
It is His will. 
Yet I wait.  On.  Him.  Yes, patiently.  (Or.... not).
I have these expectations.  Yet no outcome.  None that I can see anyway.
As we drove along through the wilderness of Northern Maine, as trees laid bare and surrounded by snow flew by one after the other in blurred motion, I tried to see.  But I couldn’t.  And my heart broke.  And tears, they wanted to flow but I (pride) wouldn’t let them.
As I pressed back the tears, the Lord warmed my heart with a forgotten verse, one about seeing.  Faith.  Trust. 

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Heb. 11:1
He gently reminds me that there is One who will not fail.  One who will not let down.  As so I (re) fix my eyes on the author and perfecter of my faith.  Thank Him for grace.
And trust.  Trust Him to work where I cannot.  Trust Him to work even when I do not see it.  And according to His Word, I will be stronger.
"In quietness and trust is your strength....."


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