Recently I was asked to speak to almost 300 people at an event celebrating the work the Lord is doing through
Sixty Feet in the lives of imprisoned, abandoned children in Uganda.
For some of you that probably isn't a big deal. For shy, quiet me, who likes the safety of home, there is something big and uncomfortable about getting on a plane, crossing an international border, and 2,000 miles later landing in a warmer climate and then standing before 600 eyeballs. All watching my every move.
But the Lord asked, so I went.
And now, I've been asked to share with you what I said that night. So I am over
here and
here today.
Won't you drop by? It's an interesteing story about dangerous prayers (I dare you, but hold on), comfort zones (I really just need to stop building them) and cupcakes (who doesn't like these things?). And how the Lord can use you. And me. And anyone with a willing heart to make a difference in the lives of those dear to His heart - the orphaned, the oppressed, the hungry, and the forgotten.
Weren't we all of these at one time?
It all started with.........